Attractions in Kampala city

Attractions in Kampala city Attractions in Kampala city: Kampala city is the largest city in Uganda and the capital city of Uganda, Kampala is not just a city and a capital city of Uganda but a prominent tourist destination. Kampala city hosts…

List of cultural sites in uganda

List of cultural sites in Uganda. List of cultural sites in uganda: Uganda is a country comprised of different cultural systems with different norms and culture from the East, West, Central, North and the south. The biggest kingdom from which…

Uganda best safari

Uganda best safari Uganda best safari  : Uganda is the second largest landlocked country in the world located in eastern Africa, west of Kenya, south of Sudan, east of democratic republic of Congo and north of Rwanda and Tanzania with Kampala…

Why are gorillas poached

Why are Gorillas poached? Why are gorillas poached: There about 900 mountain gorillas left in the world. There has been a lot of awareness to save the gorillas in some parts of the world but poaching has been the biggest challenge limiting…

uganda safari cost

Uganda Safari Cost  Uganda safari cost : a Uganda safari are one of the top most priorities for tourists coming to Uganda for holidays and those on a vacations in the recent times. The pearl of Africa as named by Winston Churchill in his popularized…

Kazinga channel boat cruise

Kazinga channel boat cruise Kazinga channel boat cruise: Kazinga channel is a magnificent feature in Queen Elizabeth national park where boat cruise take place, kazinga channel is a wide 32 kilometers long natural channel connecting Lake George…

Gorilla trekking Uganda from Kigali

Gorilla trekking Uganda from Kigali Gorilla trekking Uganda from Kigali: gorilla trekking has always been a very fun and exciting safari activity to do as a tourists while in Uganda, Uganda has become to be the perfect country where you can…

Masai mara park gates

Masai mara  Park gates Masai mara park gates: Masai mara national reserve is famous for experiencing the annual migration of wildebeests and being a habitant for many animals such as lions, leopards, cheetahs and elephant, wildebeest, zebra,…

Nkuringo gorilla trekking sector

Nkuringo gorilla trekking sector Nkuringo gorilla trekking sector is one of the gorilla trekking sectors in Bwindi impenetrable national park found in the south western region of the park,  Nkuringo gorilla trekking sector is named after…

mountain gorilla families in uganda

MOUNTAIN GORILLA FAMILIES IN UGANDA mountain gorilla families in uganda:Mountain gorillas are critically endangered animals living in the forest areas situated on the high altitudes, mountain gorilla are big fur covered animals and one of…